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Who is SUPPA’S

Did you know why SUPPA’S is so important to everyone? Did you know that SUPPA’S is different to many other companies? Check our videos to understand how useful SUPPA'S is. SUPPA’S brings many projects to protect students and assist students.
SUPPA’S will bring innovative programs to the American Society. SUPPA’S will fight for the rights of students and seek justice for students. SUPPA’S is an informative website where everyone could find a lot of information about schools, scholarships, educational news, global educational trends, and university rankings.
For international students, SUPPA’S is an “One Stop” company from “Student Visa to PR” in their Academic Journeys.

High Schoolers

-- What we do to help you succeed in your Educational Goals --

Did you know that SUPPA’S carries out many Services to High School Children? Find out what SUPPA’S does to relieve and benefit your student life. Consult SUPPA’S for your College Application, Plan and Work for your Career Success, Special Courses, Summer Camps, Internships, Rally-Round against Gun Violence. Volunteer with us, Get help for SSL Hours and See our FREE Services


Did you know that SUPPA’S cares about immigrants in multiple ways? Our consultancy services are mostly FREE of charge. SUPPA’S cares about each family member in Immigrant families. They need support, advice and guidance from A - Z from their day one in the US. Education, Employment, Tax, Housing, Medical, Insurance and so on. SUPPA’S will consult your communities too.


Some Universities and many private sector Colleges run their institutes from the wealth of International Students. International Student recruitment is the main income for many countries. In 2016, US earned $57.3 Billion, UK earned $25.5 Billion, Australia earned $19.8 Billion, France earned $14.5 Billion, Germany earned $14.4 Billion, Canada earned $11.1 Billion, Netherland earned $5.3 Billion and New Zealand earned $4.5 Billion from the International Students. Some universities appoint many Recruitment Agents worldwide and some work with one recruitment company and get much more benefits in the international recruitment with less expenses. Universities in the states of California, Texas and New York bring the highest number of International Students to the United States. But still there are some universities, colleges and schools in the United States as well as in many other countries that do not get international students. SUPPA'S is the BEST choice for them. As SUPPA’S established coordinators in over 50 countries, SUPPA’S can recruit international students to any university on WIN-WIN basis.

SUPPA’S is an expert of Marketing and Advertising in all social media and print media. SUPPA’S offers marketing services, website changes, and attractive advertising packages to universities who intend to make changes for their current websites used over a few decades. High Cost of marketing GURUs are at high cost and cannot match university budgets. SUPPA'S IS THE BEST OPTION for those who seek changes with low budgets but with high quality effective strategies.

Some universities get SUPPA’S assistance for Summer Camps, Study Abroad, Teacher Training, Student Exchange, Model Schools and many other programs other than the student recruitment. It’s NOT only for the US. Universities all over the GLOBE, now can appoint SUPPA’S and get all activities of SUPPA’S.


Students who are residents of US, Australia, NZ, German, UK, Europe and many developed countries do not face difficulties obtaining student visas and thereby are privileged to enroll in courses they desire. Students from Asian, Chinese, African and some Middle East countries must follow the strict student visa regulations. Studying in a foreign country is an investment and also an important decision to the student and his parents. Many students are interested in part time work and also, intend to migrate after study and work.
International students shall follow a lot of protocols to obtain Student Visas. It’s always how you match everything in an “Attractive Structure” and how far you are able to satisfy the visa officer to be in the category of a “Genuine Student.” There are many issues international students are struggling to overcome. It is not always possible for them to study what they like and what really matters to them. There are few Principal Decisions on top of all before you start any preparations to study in a foreign country. Financial Affordability against cost factors and duration of courses, most convenient country to obtain Student Visa against your final desires, clear path to reach your goals in achieving Qualifications, Career Success, Employment, PR and Family Settlement and where you could possibly achieve all your desires. Here are the obstacles to many international students. Previous Visa Refusals, Gaps and Un matching previous studies and employment, marriage and requirement to migrate with the family, Large amount of Funds with Source of Income, Family income, Ability to Speak in English and Family Wealth. The Migration Process may take up to 13 long years to reach Citizenship for an International student from Basic Education. SUPPA’S is the Best Solution for International Students.

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